Healthcare application development: How to build a medical app

The mHealth market has been rapidly growing since the pandemic and was valued at $99 billion in 2021. According to the projections, it will be worth $332.7 billion by 2025 and will continue to expand in the future. For example, devices for remote patient monitoring can improve the patient-doctor relationship and ensure a better health care experience. IoT health wearables can collect data from patients in real-time, allowing clinicians to track their vital signs. If a doctor notices an abnormality in the patient’s condition, they can immediately act on it and change the treatment plan.

On the contrary, medical apps are software users and can apply to operate medical devices on a mobile device. Besides, the health care app simplifies the process of obtaining data, accelerates decision-making, and cuts the gap between doctors and patients. The pandemic era helped everyone realize the usefulness of healthcare apps. The potential of virtual consultations, online payments, home-delivered prescriptions, and more was all valuable when people were restricted to their homes only. Remote access – Such apps offer the patients and doctors remote access, that’s a must, especially in pandemic times.

We’re seeing an increasing number of medical and healthcare applications contribute to the well-being and health of patients around the world. Consumers are now used to depending on such mobile products to track their physical activity and medicine regimes. Even the most expensive healthcare app development services won’t save your app if it is useless. That is why you must find out all the pain points of your target audience.

For example, one of the most popular medical apps for doctors is Medscape. It’s a terrific source of up-to-date medical information, not just because it’s a helpful drug reference. It’s also a valuable tool for keeping up with current news and developments in medicine.

Steps to Build a Healthcare App

The experts designing your app incorporate the selected features onto clickable screens that look and feel almost like the final product. It’s relatively easy to do prototyping for iOS and Android or any other platform, using it on your smartphone directly as if it was a real app. What about AI or IoT integrations that are today’s prominent healthcare trends?

steps to build a healthcare app

Users can simply enter their condition or required procedure, location and insurance carrier, and the platform will output a list of physicians that can help them. Doctors can add themselves to the database by filling out a form on their website and reaching new patients. Especially patients with chronic conditions have to visit the hospital regularly to receive a new prescription. This places a burden on the patient who needs to take time out of their day to make the trip as well as on the doctor who needs to see the patient and write the prescription. Such solutions can automatically issue a new prescription when required and send it to the patient or pharmacy. Finally, pharma companies and other medical research businesses will pay for anonymized patient data and other medical information your solution accumulates.

Driven by the proliferation of devices and wearables, digital health applications have seen an uptick in downloads. As Statista suggests, in the US alone, the number of medical apps downloaded during the pandemic has increased by 30%. The tendency pertained well into the future and it is projected that the US market size of mHealth apps will hit $3.5 billion in 2025.

Healthcare Mobile App Development Trends to Implement

The apps will help patients book appointments, have online consultations, get recommendations and quick support. Show only necessary information at one moment to not overwhelm users. Let healthcare providers share and report on a patient’s health records anywhere.

  • They include multi-factor authentication, strong encryption, and storing health data in backups.
  • They don’t need to waste time getting to the hospital or standing in the queue.
  • Patients can provide feedback on doctors and app services through ratings and reviews.
  • Doctors can diagnose patients and provide medical assistance remotely no matter where they are, where the patient is, or what time of the day it is at either location.
  • The application allows users to book a video appointment with one of their doctors or psychologists – at a time and place that’s convenient for the user.
  • To better understand the tech stack division for mobile app development in healthcare services, we will divide it into two parts.

Even if you are sure you defined a problem, it’s advised to give it yet another check, even on a small group of people in your target audience . This way, you can be sure if you’re approaching the issue from the right angle or discover that maybe there is another way of looking at it that would be more beneficial for your end-users. Patient portal – this feature will allow patients to receive alerts, reminders, messages, and e-prescriptions from their healthcare providers. You need to have a firm grasp of your target before building a product for it.

Compatibility with legacy medical systems

Finally, you can hire a reliable outstaffing partner that will deliver you the professionals you need to make the project happen. The healthcare application development process is lengthy, complex, and expensive, so we have prepared a list of pitfalls. If you would like to make a medical app efficiently, keep reading to learn how to avoid the pitfalls. If you would like to develop a health app that helps people gain access to mental professionals, you can opt for a mental health application. Solutions like Better Help connect patients to licensed therapists and psychiatrists and have online sessions. Doctors benefit from extra work and patients, whereas users get instant mental support at any time.

steps to build a healthcare app

Minimum features with great functionality for users will help to stick to the planned budget. Different people require different features, hence it’s vital to know your primary audience, followed by secondary audience, and then the tertiary . Patients, physicians, and future doctors are more interested in medical training videos that can be used for different purposes.

Step 4: Start developing

Speaking of secure, Blockchain for healthcare can also be used to perform transactions. Improved communication- Various telehealth application platforms help doctors connect with each other remotely for important consultations and discussions. The healthcare development data is privy to patients, and it must stay within the secure walls of the application. Further, get feedback about application development ideas to the entrepreneurs, specifically those who have worked in the healthcare domain.

However, you can overcome and avoid such challenges in the initial stages with the help of your development team. The presence of a bad UI and UX in the mobile app is the doom of a healthcare application in many ways. So, ensure that the design strategy that you are making is the one that ensures you give a simple and, in most cases, a quick in and out option to the stakeholders. Doctor-on-demand is one such application that allows healthcare professionals to offer consultations via video or audio calls. Learn the highlights of how to build a healthcare app development.

steps to build a healthcare app

Since we are talking about healthcare applications, you need to make sure the ads are relevant and not disruptive. In-app ads are commonplace for monetization, but they need to be health-related. For example, you can partner up with a pharmacy or fitness center. When choosing a technology stack, it is crucial to distinguish between native and cross-platform app development. Native development implies building a separate app for iOS and Android, whereas cross-platform development delivers a single codebase that can be deployed to both operating systems. Cross-platform app development is usually cheaper but can deliver poorer performance and UI.

The average price of building a healthcare app for iOS and Android with full backend infrastructure and a design will cost you approximately $150k. Note that the product management, QA, and team communication services are included in the price. Before healthcare app MVP development, you need to prioritize the vital features, ensure they solve the problem, and iterate constantly. MVP gives you a competitive advantage because you enter the market faster and start gathering feedback from real users sooner than if you build a full-fledged product right away. Mobile healthcare apps allow doctors to monitor patient’s health even if they are far away.

Top 5 Benefits of Building a Health App

To lure in modern power users and newbies, your app will likely integrate with other services. Security and regulations compliance is at the core of healthcare app development, there is no escaping healthcare application development it. Health and lifestyle apps – this type of apps usually appear on the consumer market and help users to track their personal health and well-being via diet and fitness tracking apps.

It is also essential to decide whether you go with a native application or cross-platform as it will require adapting the technical stack. Patients and caregivers can use the app to help them monitor their health conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, pregnancy, mental health, and more. Data reveals that around 21% of millennials would delete an app if it provided a poor digital experience.

Some apps do not need to go through medical certification while applications for doctors, such as patient monitoring solutions, do require compliance. In this section, we will look at three main types of healthcare apps in more detail. The digitization of the medical industry makes healthcare more accessible and affordable to the general population, especially to underprivileged parts of the world. The current pandemic made the need for medical technology more urgent and apparent and helped the market to grow and expand to meet the demand. Healthcare applications connect physicians and patients and offer smooth and simple communication channels. While the technology allows doctors to be more precise in their diagnosing and treatments, patients can receive professional medical help right from their homes.

How to Develop a Healthcare App?

Also, budget depends on the type of product and features installed, for example, IoT-enabled telemedicine solution or practice management application. If your healthcare app failed to function properly, there is a huge risk of giving out negative or undesirable results. For instance, sensitive data pertaining to a patient’s medical history must be saved and processed accurately, failure to do so could be fatal. Good UI/UX is required for every app, but with the high frequency of data input and amount of data, healthcare apps need some extra effort. The technology is already widely used in healthcare to provide patient data security and encrypt information.

Big Data

Blockchain technology helps with the integration of several EHR systems and tracking medicine in a supply chain. HIPAA was introduced to safeguard the confidentiality of protected health information . Goal of HIPAA is to decrease healthcare abuse and fraud and to establish PHI confidentiality and security standards. If the app interprets data from certain inputs, check the inputs in different units, from different devices, networks, and locations.

#2 Privacy and security of healthcare apps (read HIPAA)

This regulation clarifies how businesses can and cannot use personal data; i.e. everything that can be used to identify a person, from a name to an IP address. MHealth apps require a special approach to the selection of features. After launch, your app may need adjustments, additional features, automatic processes, and bug elimination. A superapp is a multifunctional system that integrates different services from several providers.

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